Ready to Take the Lead of Your Life?
You didn’t come to this life to work 90% of your time, pay bills and exist the remaining 10% you have left.
And thankfully, the mundane routine that has you on a hamster wheel people call life, doesn’t have to be your reality.
The greatest gift you can give yourself is the investment you make in you, redefining work, doing business and living life on your terms without the expectations society puts on you. Afterall, change is inevitable but growth is a choice.
Whether it’s to experience:
Coaching is the journey you embark on when you’re ready to transform. You’re not looking to just solve problems, but rather experience breakthroughs, break down barriers and see higher possibilities you may not have seen before.
Maybe right now you’re feeling trapped in a career that doesn’t spark joy anymore, exhausted from conforming to other ways of leading that are inauthentic to who you are and like some of your relationships have lost their connection. There’s no time for personal enjoyment feeling overwhelmed with all the responsibilities you’re juggling and being so hard on yourself along the way because you believe you should be feeling different at this stage of your life or have it all figured out.
Confidence seems to be lacking, you struggle being who you are and want to be more authentic, yet you hold back for fear of rejection, judgement and know it’s holding you back in your professional and personal life. You struggle with difficult emotions, wish you were able to more confidently navigate difficult conversations and use your voice to ask or say the things on your mind and heart.
I know you didn’t sign up for a life to follow someone else’s rules. Worst of all, feeling stressed and so alone because it doesn’t align with who you are and sucks the joy out of living.
Thankfully, you don’t have to.
Imagine waking up in the morning with a renewed sense of purpose for the work you do, having more clarity and peace of mind of where you want to go as a next step in your career, feeling reconnected to who you are, more confident and excited about life again.
Close your eyes and picture this happening right now – what would this mean for you?
Clients who have gone through coaching engagements with Coach Lisa range from high performing, mid-level professional women to senior executives.
The common theme they share is the desire to create a life that goes beyond being a better leader, parent or friend – and start leading themselves as a priority first. Where true leadership starts.
An investment in themselves that allows them to create a way of working and living they feel excited about again. To create a new found freedom and independence they’ve never experienced before and be able to see life through a new lens.
Breaking the rules of business, society and cultural norms. Re-writing the script of life on their terms. Their way. Simply because they can.
Not by just a quick mindset fix, but rather a journey of self-discovery that re-acquaints them back to their heart and soul. The impact this has on their professional and personal life? Priceless.
Are you willing and ready to re-define leadership, success and claim being The Leader of your life?
This is how you
create more ease
…and flexibility in your business and life so it becomes the new norm.
Use this guide to help you manage your well-being
and take the lead of your life.
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Be brave enough to change the rules so you can change the game of business and life.
If you’re ready to dive head first into all things Emotional Intelligence, this is the perfect solution for you. This includes an online EI assessment, a 60-minute coaching session, plus 2-45 min. follow up coaching sessions. Option to extend and create a customized coaching package exclusive to EI.
Learn more about Emotional Intelligence here
Private Coaching
Each coaching engagement is customized especially for you. Coaching engagements run for 6 or 12-months to create long-term, sustainable behavioural change. Your engagement will include The Changemakers package (see above), a welcome package (a surprise just for you) and guidance in between sessions to support your transformation. Please inquire for private coaching packages.
Leadership Development Coaching For Women – Lead as FEMME Group
LEAD as FEMME is a 12-week live, leadership development, virtual group coaching experience designed exclusively for women to elevate and enhance their leadership, owning the essence of what makes them a woman. This program takes women on a journey to overcome common challenges and barriers they face in corporate to help them reach their full potential as a leader and change their world.
The Bridge
This program is for bold leaders who want to create more fulfillment in their life while nurturing their personal growth. This program is designed specifically to partner with you in an intimate yet meaningful way to help you reconnect back to who you are while creating more satisfaction in all areas of your life.