Emotional Intelligence

Develop the emotional intelligence skills to help you lead with greater confidence, increased self-awareness and perform at your best!
When dealing with people, remember that you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but with creatures of emotion.

When dealing with people, remember that you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but with creatures of emotion.

– Dale Carnegie, Author

You’re on this page because you’re wondering how emotional intelligence can impact your life. More importantly, how it can change your life. As a leader, a partner, parent or friend, and most importantly, with yourself.

What’s in it for you?

Why on earth would you care about developing your emotional intelligence?
And is it really important?
Maybe your boss thinks you need to find more common ground with your direct reports and learn to empathize with others more.

Maybe you’re shining in one area at work but you’ve been told you lack compassion with your team.

Maybe your family and friends say you need to be more flexible or that you can afford to be more optimistic rather than looking at the glass half empty.

Maybe you wish you could express yourself more in the workplace and in your relationships.

This is feedback that is truly a gift for you although I know sometimes it doesn’t always feel that way. The opportunity to refine and develop the very skills that can make your leadership go from good to great not only increase your own effectiveness, yet deepen your relationships with others. Where your leadership has the greatest impact.  

Emotional Intelligence is often evident in change agents, changemakers, conscious and heart-centered leaders. Those who are all about making a strong impact and considered creative, inquisitive and resourceful to say the least. They give themselves permission to try, try and try again until they’ve made a difference. Sometimes, that difference is in their own life.

These are the skills that we didn’t get taught in school, we may not have had the best role models that showed us what emotional intelligence looks like and let’s face it. In the world of business at large, many of the emotional and social skills we expect to see in leaders, is like looking for a needle in a haystack.


Developing stronger relationships with the people you work with and your loved ones.

Improving your decision making and making decisions with more clarity and confidence.

Having a greater understanding of where others are coming from and developing a stronger sense of empathy.

Developing a stronger sense of self-awareness, being more self-expressive and LEADING as your best!

These are just some of the benefits you’ll experience from developing your emotional intelligence and so much more! The level of insight and knowledge you gain through taking the EQ-i 2.0 assessment (Emotional Quotient Inventory 2.0) is invaluable. Skills you will use for life as you develop a greater measure of self-understanding and self-awareness.

What is Emotional Intelligence?

Emotional Intelligence (EI) can be defined as a set of emotional and social skills that influence the way we express and perceive ourselves. Broadly speaking, they give us information on how we navigate our relationships and the world at large.

The EQ-i 2.0 assessment is one of the most researched models and the first scientifically validated measure of EI (emotional intelligence) published by Multi-Health Systems Inc.

This psychometric assessment helps you to measure EI and how it can impact people and the workplace. Think of it as another tool to help you elevate as the Director of your life.

The EQ-i 2.0 assessment has been used for over 20 years as a leadership development tool in leading organizations as well as a selection tool, in executive coaching, team building and for student development.

It helps to improve human performance and can be developed in targeted areas.

These are the skills that make you stand out and make an impact in business and life.

The EQ-360 measures the same 15 competencies as the EQ-i 2.0. This assessment includes your self-assessment and combines the perception of others who know you well. This is helpful when looking to gather a higher measure of feedback.

Why is EI important for you?

As humans, we are emotional and social creatures. Our thoughts and behaviours are driven by our emotions and influence how we show up in our relationships to how we make decisions every day.

You may not be leading a team but you ARE a leader (or as I like to say) the Director of your life. Our world needs leaders who know how to lead themselves before they can effectively show us they can lead others. That calls for self-awareness first and foremost. Research by Tasha Eurich says that 95% of people think they’re self-aware when in fact, 10-15% actually are.

What does that mean? It means we have room to dive deeper and understand our individual strengths and weaknesses so we can develop a greater understanding of how they work for us and where we can afford to develop further.

Most people think IQ (Intelligence Quotient) takes the cake and emotions have no place in business. That couldn’t be further from the truth. Ongoing research shows how emotional intelligence plays a significant role in the success of leaders. Yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Not to mention, living a healthy life includes being able to tap into a full range of emotions and learning how to manage them so they work FOR you.

"Be yourself, you're the most qualified person
in the world for the job."

Learning the value of my emotions as I navigated through my career is something that no leader was able to teach me. Had I known of a tool like the EQ-i 2.0 assessment, it would have been the gift that could have saved me from learning some hard lessons 15 years ago!

Since then, I’ve taken the assessment and it has served me beyond what I could have expected. As an ongoing reference for me, as well as giving me a much better understanding of my emotions and how they work FOR me in my life and in my business. Because of the work I’ve done over the years, I’ve been able to understand skills that I’ve always had like being highly empathic, highly flexible and having a strong sense of self-regard. It took work for me to get there and recognize them, whereas other areas I was able to learn require further development.

Knowing this about myself and how I can use these skills not only in my personal life, but in business, is a tool that offers so much insight and opportunity for growth and development. Relationships have deepened, decision-making has improved and self-awareness has increased just to name a few benefits.

The EQ-i 2.0 Model

The EQ-i 2.0 assessment is completed online and takes approximately 15 min. to complete. Using a secure site, you will respond to 133 statements related to emotional intelligence. Once you’ve completed your assessment, you will select your report type. A Leadership report will measure  your leadership effectiveness, whereas a Workplace report will measure workplace performance both based on the emotional intelligence competencies as seen in the above model.  

A report is then generated providing an overarching total EI score. This comprehensive report will outline a total of 15 skills that are measured based on each of the 5 categories as seen in the model above. Together, with your Coach, you will work to identify insights and learnings that you can apply in your day to day life along with which targeted areas are worth further development.

This is where the magic happens and you uncover the gems that set you apart from mediocrity. 

What about your team and EI in the workplace?

We know the impact EI can have on the way you lead, what about when it comes to your team?

If your team has struggled with poor communication, the EQ-i 2.0 assessment can help identify skills such as interpersonal relationships, empathy and assertiveness to foster better collaboration and communicate more effectively.

Looking to improve customer satisfaction? Helping your team develop a stronger sense of empathy can help them strengthen their relationships with clients and deepen their perspective.

During times of organizational change and volatility, helping your team cope with stress and manage their stress tolerance (another EI skill) can help them be more adaptable and flexible.

The Changemakers Package is for you if…

If you want to dive into your emotional intelligence so you can deepen your relationship with yourself and others, have the confidence to lead as the leader you’ve always wanted to be…

You’re interested in developing your emotional intelligence skills

You’re committed to your growth as the Director of your life whether you lead a team or not

You want to manage conflict in a healthy and productive way

You want to be a more effective leader, parent, friend and deepen your relationships in both your professional and personal life

You want to elevate the effectiveness of your leadership skills

You want to more easily navigate changes as they come

You’re making a career transition and want a better understanding of your strengths and areas of opportunities
My hope for you is that the EQ-i 2.0 assessment empowers you to be the leader you’ve always wanted to be and raises the bar of your leadership.

The EQ-i 2.0 assessment is easy to use, reliable and a trusted model in measuring emotional intelligence. More importantly, it’s safe to use and offers a confidential process when taking the assessment. How would your life change if you developed the skills that you so admire in others? Who would you be? If the answer is a better partner, a more compassionate friend, my relationships would be stronger, I’d be a more effective leader…

…then book your assessment today

Ready to make the investment in yourself that will pay in spades?

$1,111 USD

Questions? I've got answers..

No. The EQ-i 2.0 is a psychometric assessment which indicates competency. 

The EQ-i 2.0 assessment is used for self-awareness, leadership, selection (high or top performers), succession planning, coaching, team effectiveness, high potential development and career development. Anyone interested in developing their emotional intelligence can take the assessment!

As the inventory-taker (the person taking the assessment), you own the results. The only people that have access to your assessment are you and the administrator. Two copies in a PDF file are created – 1 for the client, the other for the Coach. The assessment sits on MHS’s server which get’s cleaned every 5 days and holds a high level of security. High enough that it meets the security requirements of the Government of Canada. 

Yes. There is an EQ 360 assessment available and no – the raters do not have to be people you work with.

The EQ 360 measures the same 15 competencies as the EQ-i 2.0 and takes into account the perceptions of people around you and yourself.

Please inquire for more details!

The EQ-i 2.0 assessment is a psychometric assessment and the most researched model of emotional intelligence. The assessment measures a set of 15 emotional and social skills.

Your Coach will go through the comprehensive report with you during your 60-min. debrief. Treat it as a tool you can reference back to time and time again. The benefit of this assessment is you can target specific areas and you can develop the skills over time.


Step into your most confident self.