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6 sources candidates use to learn about your company

When it comes to your employer brand and company culture, candidates are empowered with endless information at their fingertips to learn about your company.

In a job market where competition is increasingly tight, candidates are considering all their options. They’re not afraid to do their due diligence and ensure they’re equipped with enough information to make an informed decision.

Your company culture, which I like to call the ❤HEART❤ of your business, isn’t the only thing that candidates are considering when it comes to their next move.

Although it can hold significant weight in the deciding factor. Candidates are also exploring what your organization stands for, what the future direction of your company looks like, what are the growth opportunities, whether you are a socially conscious company, etc.

In the initial stage of the interview process, that first conversation with the recruiter is just a start. In most cases, it’s a small piece of information they’re considering in their decision-making process.

Other sources can include:

  • Company website (obvious I know)
  • Current or former employees’ feedback
  • Social media presence (LinkedIn page, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.)
  • Glassdoor
  • News
  • Vendor or supplier references

Company website – the first source that will often give candidates a ton of info on your brand and company.  It doesn’t trump a current or former employee’s feedback, but it’s usually a starting point for a candidate’s research.

Current or former employee feedback – candidates may know of current or former employees who work for you.  Their perspective can often influence a candidate’s decision on your company, good or bad.

Social Media79% of job applicants use social media in their job search. (Glassdoor) You may or may not have much of a social media presence. Whether it’s Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn page, Twitter, etc. In the same way, that companies are using social media to investigate a candidate’s background, candidates are equally using social media to check out a company.  What’s your tone on social media?  How do you respond to comments and inquiries?  Are you engaging, informative, fun, etc.? 

Glassdoor – most of us are familiar with Glassdoor and other review sites. This site is where former employees, candidates and companies can leave reviews.  It’s often a go-to for candidates to scope out what people are saying about you.

News – all news, good or bad, is a source for candidates to look to. Regardless if the source is reliable, you can be sure it will be a source of information for candidates.

Vendor or supplier partners – external partnerships you may have are additional sources candidates can tap into.  If you do business with external partners/vendors/suppliers, it’s another avenue to explore these relationships and see what feedback candidates can gather.

While the amount of information at our disposal can often be overwhelming, candidates having this information is a good thing.

That means they’re gathering as much information as possible to make an informed decision about you as an employer.

The value of knowing this is understanding where your talent is looking when researching your company and what you can do to ensure you’re standing out in your industry.

Consider all the sources mentioned and review what they say about you as a company. Ensure your online presence is strong, attractive and engaging for your ideal candidate.

I’d love to hear from you!

Would you add any other sources that candidates are using to evaluate your company? Do you find there’s a common source candidate’s check to gather information on your company?

Let me know in the comments below.

To your success!



Lisa De Nicola

Lisa De Nicola is a Leadership & Executive Coach and an Intuitive who believes in magic. She partners with bold leaders to elevate and enhance their leadership and pave a new way of leading while keeping their values intact. With 15 + years of corporate experience working in the world of talent for multi-national, global organizations, Lisa shares her expertise in leadership, business and spiritual practices with leaders who are looking to transform the way they lead from the inside out. She inspires leaders to look at traditional leadership methods and bring more innovative and creative ideas to life.

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