
Do you struggle with making a decision?

How many of you have struggled with making a decision?  I’m not talking about the simple ones like, what to make for dinner or where to go to eat with your loved one, although I know the “what do you feel like eating tonight?” decision can often take up the entire evening to decide. ?  I’m referring to the really important decisions.  Making a career change.  Health-related decisions.  Quitting your job.  Relocating, etc.

More often than not, when we’re not clear about who we are and how that aligns with our values, it’s easy to rely on outside sources to help with making a decision. Considering outside sources to help you with reaching a decision can be super helpful.  In fact, I encourage it when you need support in considering all the factors that will help your decision making.

But when you’ve allowed too many outside sources cloud your judgment and influence how YOU feel about the direction you should go in, then re-consider your sources.

When we’re relying on outside sources instead of our own internal voice, we can find ourselves making decisions that are out of alignment.

So, how do you learn to get more comfortable with listening to your OWN voice when making an important decision?

A couple of questions that I often reflect on when I need to reach a decision:

  • How does this decision FEEL?

In some cases, the idea of making a change can foster feelings of fear (Fear of the unknown, fear of making the wrong choice, fear of disappointing someone and so on).  But fear can also be confused with excitement and those good nervous like feelings.  Learn the difference between the two and listen to the feelings that come up for you.

  • What’s the impact of making this decision and who outside of myself does it affect?

If you have children and a significant other, that’s important to consider.  If not and it’s just yourself, how will YOU be impacted by this decision? 

  • What’s the cost of NOT making this decision?

Growth is not meant to be comfortable.  Change is the only thing that is constant.  Discomfort arises when we’re being pushed outside of our comfort zones; sometimes directly and indirectly.  What would happen if you did nothing at all?

  • What’s the worst-case scenario?

Will there be a significant financial impact?  Is there a sacrifice you have to make in order to follow through on this decision?  What else could come up?

  • Does making this decision get me closer to WHO I want to be?

We’re always striving to be better than yesterday.  How does this decision help you get closer to who you want to be, or more importantly who you need to be for where you want to go in your life?

  • What will I have learned from this experience if it’s NOT the right decision for me?

Sometimes even when we feel we have all the information at our hands, with the best of intentions, we realize after the fact it wasn’t the best decision.  IT’S OK.  It happens. You’re human and you’ll survive.  What can you learn from the experience and more importantly, what did you learn about yourself?

Some of these questions may seem deep or even complex however, they can serve as a start for you to consider some of the questions to ask yourself.  If there are other questions that you come up with that you would add, please feel free to do so!

The idea is you want to get comfortable with listening to your own voice, so that even with all the information you may have gathered, you feel confident in making a decision that aligns with what’s best for you.

Now here’s another question I have for you.

What are some effective methods you use when you have to make an important decision?

Remember, your thoughts can help someone who just might need to hear a fresh perspective. Don’t be shy and thanks so much for stopping by! ❤

With so much love,



Lisa De Nicola

Lisa De Nicola is a Leadership & Executive Coach and an Intuitive who believes in magic. She partners with bold leaders to elevate and enhance their leadership and pave a new way of leading while keeping their values intact. With 15 + years of corporate experience working in the world of talent for multi-national, global organizations, Lisa shares her expertise in leadership, business and spiritual practices with leaders who are looking to transform the way they lead from the inside out. She inspires leaders to look at traditional leadership methods and bring more innovative and creative ideas to life.

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