
How to bring more joy in the midst of any transition

When was the last time you were in transition?

Some of you might be in one right now! And if you are – I congratulate you. Even in what may seem tough or challenging, there’s inevitably something better around the corner or already on its way to you.

What if you could go through your transition or whatever change you might be going through with more ease and joy? How might you be impacted?

Bringing more joy in your transition isn’t just about being happy for no reason. It means you can get through it with greater ease and, more importantly, feel good while going through it by being more intentional with how you feel.

When you’re in a state of joy, it has a domino effect on everything else, including your overall lifestyle; it combats stress and pain and helps boost your immune system.

By now, you may know I firmly believe we don’t have separate lives between work and personal (yes, they are different aspects), but we ultimately have one life we lead and hopefully live. 

Quotes image of Joy is a decision, a really brave one, about how you are going to respond to life.

I’ve spent the better part of my career over the years developing my passion for people and playing an integral role in coaching and consulting professionals as they navigate their careers.

Transitions look like changing jobs (or careers), stepping into new positions, and changing industries, among others. They also happen in our relationships as they change, evolve, take on new forms, end, and begin again.

While transitions can sometimes be viewed as challenging and, at times, they can be overwhelming; they often are the start of a new beginning. Ultimately, as one door closes, another is being prepared to open. An important reminder I’ve often shared with my clients, hearing all kinds of transitions people have experienced.

The question is, are you ready for it?

High-performance coach and 3-time New York Times best-selling author Brendon Burchard and one of my favourite motivational speakers, elaborate on this and speaks to bringing more joy into all you do. Be sure to click on his name to listen to the clip! Brendon’s books include The Motivation ManifestoThe ChargeThe Millionaire Messenger and Life’s Golden Ticket, with his most recent book being High-Performance Habits: How Extraordinary People Become That Way.

Bringing joy during times of change, regardless of what area of life you’re in transition, allows you to BE in a state of feeling good. When you’re feeling good, you’re better at receiving what’s coming next.

Here are some of the things that I find help me to tap into a joyful state:

  • Gratitude – daily – small things and big things. They instantly generate feelings of appreciation
  • Choosing something specific in my life I’m proud of, i.e. my commitment to my creative endeavour or journaling (yes, journaling! It’s a daily practice, and it took a while to develop)
  • Intentionally doing an activity that’s fun, i.e. coffee at a favourite espresso bar or visiting an art gallery
  • Reading or listening to something that is insightful or feeds my soul

Have fun choosing activities that light you up and bring more joy and watch how your day unfolds, let alone any transition or change. We’re all responsible for the energy we bring to our lives and it’s up to us to get into a state of feeling good. No matter what area of our lives, we might be experiencing a shift.

Where there are times more difficult to just ‘feel good’  find the moments you can bring joy.

What’s one way you can bring more joy to your transition starting today?

Don’t be shy, and share your thoughts! Your insights, words, and story can inspire someone who just might need to hear from you.

Much love,

Lisa xo


Lisa De Nicola

Lisa De Nicola is a Leadership & Executive Coach and an Intuitive who believes in magic. She partners with bold leaders to elevate and enhance their leadership and pave a new way of leading while keeping their values intact. With 15 + years of corporate experience working in the world of talent for multi-national, global organizations, Lisa shares her expertise in leadership, business and spiritual practices with leaders who are looking to transform the way they lead from the inside out. She inspires leaders to look at traditional leadership methods and bring more innovative and creative ideas to life.

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2 Responses

  1. Love your tips here on how to activate the fEeling of more joy.

    I see how that often gets lost in buiLding a business and deePening a relationship.

    Number one and four are Practiced haBits. I’m getting better at intentioNally creating joy and after reading this article, that’s my commitment to myself today: to choose some activity THat brings me more jOy—an hour-long bath seems to be calling me!

    ThaNks for the reminder.

    1. Thanks, Jenn!! I’m glad it resonated 🙂 It’s a practiced effort but makes such a difference when you’re intentional.

      I hope you enjoyed your bath!! They’re my favourite!!

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