

Do you believe that time is unlimited?

So many of us struggle with the notion that time is limited. We hold the idea that in order to do something REALLY big or important in our lives, we need to do it in a certain amount of time… or… we’ll expire?  Of course, we won’t, but it’s a limited belief many of us carry.

The truth is, life itself and the time we have on this earth IS limited.  So, the expression, “life is short”, “seize the day” or “seize the moment” is true.  But these very expressions also mean, to me, that while we DO only have this one life here on earth, shouldn’t we make the most of it with the time we have?

Time is truly a GIFT for all of us and it’s up to US with how we use it. Yet with looking at time in limited terms we allow it to impact all areas of our lives. Pursuing that big dream, getting that degree, whatever it may be for you.  In our daily lives, we hold ourselves back from doing something we want – taking that vacation, signing up for that membership, taking that class, etc. because it’s not the ‘perfect’ time.

Yes, it’s true that patience in the pursuit of your dreams is important and that in itself is a journey, but this is simply accepting that time is unlimited.  The only limits to doing anything you want to do, is YOU.

Time IS precious however it doesn’t ever discourage us from doing something that really matters to us, but rather our belief or perception of what we can do with it. Sometimes, it’s other people’s story or opinion that tells us otherwise.

The next time you find yourself doubting yourself or second-guessing whether you should do something because of ‘time’, ask yourself these questions:

  • How important is this to me?
  • What’s the motivation for delaying —–? (fill in the blank)
  • What’s the benefit from doing this in the immediate term vs. long term?
  • What’s the cost of not doing this now?
  • If time wasn’t a concern, what would the ideal scenario look like?

Use the time you DO have for your advantage vs. thinking of it as a disadvantage and cherish it like the gift it is.

How does time impact you? In your daily life and with your longer-term goals?

I’d love to hear your thoughts, leave your comments below! ⬇

p.s. it’s finally starting to feel like Spring, enjoy the sunshine!!

Lisa ❤


Lisa De Nicola

Lisa De Nicola is a Leadership & Executive Coach and an Intuitive who believes in magic. She partners with bold leaders to elevate and enhance their leadership and pave a new way of leading while keeping their values intact. With 15 + years of corporate experience working in the world of talent for multi-national, global organizations, Lisa shares her expertise in leadership, business and spiritual practices with leaders who are looking to transform the way they lead from the inside out. She inspires leaders to look at traditional leadership methods and bring more innovative and creative ideas to life.

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